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Hire Shopify Virtual Assistant for 16 Different Roles

If done correctly, running a Shopify store can be a profitable company. With e-commerce being such a massive industry today, it’s no surprise that so many people have chosen to pursue online entrepreneurship.

Shopify has quickly grown to become one of the most successful e-commerce sites. It gives you a single, but simple-to-use framework on which you can create even if you have no website-building or design experience.

Setting up a Shopify store is easy, but running it and turning it into a money-making machine is not. When the web is up and running, there is a lot of work to be done.

If you want to run it on your own, you will fail miserably.

Hiring a Shopify virtual assistant is one of the best choices you can make given the amount of work that needs to be completed. The question now is, for what tasks do you need the services of a Shopify virtual assistant?

Would you need assistance with customer service? Do you need someone to manage your social media presence? Or maybe someone who can assist with order fulfillment? All of the above, and more, may be the solution.

Don’t be concerned. We’ll make it simpler for you by mentioning 16 of the most important Shopify tasks for which you can employ a virtual assistant. Or you can just Contact us we can do it for you.

Logo Designer

Logo by Shopify virtual assistant
Animated Logo

To begin, you’ll need someone to craft a well-designed logo that will reflect your brand. You need a logo that will draw people to your website, particularly if you are just starting out.


If you want your merchandise to sell, your listing should include beautiful photos that not only meet Shopify’s criteria, but also catch the buyer’s eye. You’ll need a professional photographer who can capture the cool features of your items with the right angles and lighting. Better photos attract more customers.

Graphic Designer

Graphic designer for shopify

You need someone with excellent image-editing skills on whom you can rely to produce visually appealing infographics as well as graphics for your website and eBook covers. You’ll need someone who understands how to capture people’s attention with different graphics and photographs.

Web Designer And Developer

You can employ a single Shopify virtual assistant to be both your graphic and web designer, but you must be able to distinguish between the two. Your featured images and site headers are handled by graphic designers. The primary responsibility of a web designer is to make the site visually appealing so that it can attract interest.

It would also be perfect to recruit someone who can work as both a web designer and a web developer. If that is not an option, it is worthwhile to employ a dedicated web developer. A web designer is in charge of how the website looks, while a web developer is in charge of making the site run.

If you want to make it big with your Shopify store, you don’t want broken links and buttons that lead somewhere else.

Database Manager and Content writer

A clean, well-organized database ensures faster page loading and less downtime, which is why a database manager is critical for an online business such as a Shopify store. After the website has been properly built and maintained on the backend, the next emphasis should be on content. You will need the services of a content writer to provide valuable content about the services and products you provide.

This role necessitates extensive writing experience as well as basic SEO knowledge. Not only should the individual be able to write good content, but he or she should also be aware of the best keywords to use in order for your product to rank high and be noticeable on search engines.

Sourcing Agent

If you want to make money by selling merchandise, you’ll need someone who specializes in product analysis to assist you. He or she must have an eye for and awareness of in-demand goods, as well as the ability to purchase them wholesale.

He or she must also be skilled at negotiating and assisting you in securing the best deals that maximize your benefit. You need someone with years of experience in locating great items to sell.

Content and Infographics Creator

Offering free content as a teaser of what you will actually sell is one way to attract customers to your Shopify store. It may be in the form of an eBook or a series of online courses.
Infographics are another way to showcase your goods and services. Having a good infographics designer on your team will help you draw customers to your Shopify store.

Email Marketer

Email marketing is one of the most effective ways to get your goods and services in front of as many people as possible. Unfortunately, it is not as easy as writing and sending an email.

You need someone who will come up with thought-provoking subject lines that will increase click-through rates and useful content that will compel people to act.

SEO Specialist

Your goods and services would be useless if they are not available to potential customers. This is where a strong SEO expert comes in handy.

You need someone who knows how to find keywords that will help you rank on Google. The primary role of an SEO specialist is to drive traffic to your website. This is a Shopify virtual assistant that is worth your money.

Link Builder

Another method for improving a website’s search engine ranking is link building. When a lot of other websites connect to your blog, it makes your website appear trustworthy and, as a result, ranks high in search engines.

And If you have the funds, consider hiring a specialist to do this for you. If connection building is not done correctly, Google will penalize your site. It’s a worthwhile investment if you really want your site to be remembered instantly and not completely removed from Google’s index for spamming.

Social Bookmarking VA

Aside from your social media platforms, social bookmarking sites such as Reddit and Digg are also considered to be premium backlinks.

Having others do this for you can help improve your search engine rankings and the likelihood of people discovering your site.

Social Media Specialist For Management And Ads

A social media manager is another essential Shopify virtual assistant to have on your team. There is no denying how influential social media has become, and it would be a shame if you were unable to capitalize on this influence.

You’ll need someone to keep your social media sites, such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, up to date. You need a virtual assistant who can share updates about new products and highlight some of the best-sellers across these platforms to increase exposure.

Along with social media promotion, you may need a Shopify virtual assistant who is familiar with sponsored advertising.

You’ll need someone who understands how to set up campaigns and how to take advantage of them. He or she must ensure that it reaches the right people and be able to track the effectiveness of the advertisement based on the number of sales produced versus the amount spent.

Product Fulfillment and Inventory Manager VA

Once you’ve put everything in place, you’ll need someone to handle each of your customers’ orders. This Shopify virtual assistant will be in charge of delivering the items to your customers. And you don’t want to run out of stock or overstock on a product that isn’t selling well. Hiring a virtual assistant for this time-consuming process is critical if you want to keep consumers coming back and prevent massive losses on storing stunners.

Shipment Tracking And Process Refunds VA

Shipment tracking and processing refund Shopify virtual assistant

It is important to have someone monitor your shipments to ensure they are delivered. It would be worthwhile to hire a virtual assistant to handle this. And Receiving refund requests is a normal part of operating a Shopify store. It would be beneficial to have others handle these activities because they can be boring and time-consuming.

VA to Reply to Positive Feedback and deal with Negative Ones

If you want to expand your scope, having someone directly respond to positive customer reviews and have it posted is one way to do so.

We all know that we can’t satisfy everyone, but we can comfort them by addressing the source of their dissatisfaction. It is important to have a Shopify virtual assistant that can reach out directly, apologize, and provide alternative solutions.

VA to Locate Past Orders

Though this is unlikely, finding past orders from a customer can be not only difficult but also time-consuming. Having someone to handle such inquiries would save you a lot of time.

In conclusion

There are clearly additional activities that a Shopify virtual assistant must perform. Since these areas are critical to the success of a Shopify store, the list above can help you get started. And now that you have a clearer understanding of which virtual assistants you would need in your company, we encourage you to reconsider your current situation as a Shopify store owner.

Take a quick look at which parts of your company are in desperate need of assistance. Make a list and start prioritizing it so you can find support as soon as possible.

The different Shopify tasks require different sets of expertise that you won’t likely find in a single person.  Though it may cost you money hiring virtual assistants for these tasks, they are worthy investments whose benefits you will reap in the future.

If you are a Shopify store owner who’s looking to add talented individuals to help you sell more products, we can help fill those needs by becoming one of our clients.

You could also check out our Yateman International Facebook page and while you’re at it, hit like!

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