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Are You Able To Afford A Virtual Assistant?

How Much A Virtual Assistant Cost?

Everyone has a different definition of what it means to be “expensive.” This has never been clearer to me than right now, when I am having the same conversation with two different clients, one of whom says, “Hell yeah, let’s do this!” and the other says, “This is way beyond my budget.” Instead of keeping these conversations personal, I decided to share with you the down and dirty, the nitty gritty, the harrowing details of what a virtual assistant cost and how their rates are determined.

You can also Schedule a FREE 15 minutes consultation to learn more about our virtual services at https://calendly.com/myateman

How to Set the Value of Your Virtual Assistant?

I Googled “assistant salary” when I first began working as a virtual assistant. This brought up a database that showed me the average salary for an executive assistant in my neighborhood. So I divided the annual salary by 52 and then by 40 to get an average hourly rate.

Isn’t that a perfect calculation?


I forgot to factor in the cost of benefits that I would need to keep myself healthy, both personally and as a business. Things like health insurance, supplies (like a computer), the internet, taxes, and invoicing software. Those costs add up quickly! And this is why sometimes you may have paid an intern in your office $10 per hour but a virtual assistant costs $20 per hour for the same amount of work. That virtual assistant has to cover the normal expenses of life PLUS business-related expenses that you would have had to cover for them had they been hired as an employee.

Do you get it? You’re not just paying them for the hours they work. You’re also paying for them to be in good faith with the government, to provide the most up-to-date equipment for the job, and so on.

If this seems unfair, consider how much you’d have to pay if they were a full-time employee. Then you should close your mouth. Please, sir. Also, thank you.

You can also Schedule a FREE 15 minutes consultation to learn more about our virtual services at https://calendly.com/myateman.

What do virtual assistants charge per hour? That is dependent on a few factors:


Have they ever done anything like this before? Many virtual assistants advance in their careers because the skills they have as a VA are the same ones they used to do in a corporate job elsewhere. Those assistants usually charge a higher fee. Then there are others who are new graduates, change jobs, or just want to make some extra money. These individuals may charge less simply to get their foot in the door.

Service Type:

Are you looking for duties similar to those of an executive assistant, such as schedule management, data entry, and flight booking? Or are you looking for services such as copywriting, video recording, and email marketing?


Is the project a rush job or are you providing a realistic deadline? If something needs to be done ASAP, it’s within every VA’s best interest to charge a little more. After all, they have to drop everything to make that possible for you.

Hassle Factor:

Okay, this is one that I probably shouldn’t even be telling you about but I will anyway because I’m nice like that. Sometimes, if a VA feels like you’re going to be tough to work with or your project requires a lot of extra moving parts, they’ll charge a little more per hour. It’s the “hassle factor” charge—and it’s real.

Digital assistants usually charge between $1 and $100 per hour. Occasionally, even more. However, the sweet point for executive assistant services is usually between $15 and $30 per hour, and $40-$75 per hour for higher level marketing or financial activities.

When determining whether or not an assistant is worth the price they’re asking for, use the preceding factors as a reference. Have they been doing this for more than three years, and do they have testimonials to back up their work? If you can afford it, they could be worth $50 per hour. Do you really need someone who is an utter expert, or should you go for someone younger but still eager? Perhaps $25 per hour would satisfy.

Many virtual assistants choose A monthly retainer.

You can develop contracts with your virtual assistants where you would pay them for an estimated number of hours per week and that number of hours per week would turn into a monthly retainer that they could budget in. In this way, I’m guaranteed a certain amount of work (at least on a month-to-month basis) and the client is guaranteed the help. Everybody wins!

If either one of us needs to cut ties, we require a 30-day written notice. This is a common cancellation clause and you should always include something like it in your contracts.

Project Rates Are Also Available

Do you have a task that needs to be completed but it is a one-time job rather than an ongoing one? That is perfectly acceptable! Virtual assistants will typically price a project based on the total number of hours, plus any rush fees and revision time. They will request 50% of the project fee up front to ensure good faith, followed by 50% when the project is completed. This is normal and perfectly fair, but you should make sure you’ve thoroughly vetted the VA before giving them any of your money, and you should also make sure you have a clear contract (as always).

You Have the Opportunity to Negotiate the Rate

If a virtual assistant gives you a request for services and you don’t like it, you are still free to discuss. Of course, within purpose. For example, if someone asks for a $1500 project fee and you can only afford $500, you should have said so up front, but it’s also unfair. They’re not going to give you a $1000 discount just because you asked for it. But who knows, maybe they’ll take a few hundred dollars off. When you ask, you’ll never know.

Know that while it is always your right to ask, it is also their right to say no. Do not be offended. They must survive, and these are the programs that allow them to do so. Make a polite request. Don’t offend them. And if you can’t reach an arrangement that works for everybody, it’s just not a good match. And that’s well.

The truth is that you can find any type of assistant for any rate you choose. Just keep in mind that you do get what you pay for. If something seems to be too good to be true, it most likely is. However, if you do your homework and request job samples, references, and testimonials, you will be able to find someone who is well worth the price they quote. Or the price that you negotiate… if you’re lucky!

Looking to hire a virtual assistant for the first time? Let us negotiate the contract and Virtual assistant cost, then find you the perfect personality and skills match in a VA! Contact us today.

You can also Schedule a FREE 15 minutes consultation to learn more about our virtual services at https://calendly.com/myateman

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